Recco Puts the Heart in Home Care
Corporate Compliance
Code of Conduct
Recco Home Care Service, Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality of care to our clients and conducting business with integrity and in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. To this end, we have a Corporate Compliance Program in place that we expect all employees, clients, consumers and all persons and entities with which we contract to comply.
The Agency has a no tolerance policy for employees, clients, consumers and contractors/ vendors who are involved in any unlawful activity If employees have any questions regarding the Corporate Compliance Polices and or Code of Conduct they are free to contact the Corporate Compliance Officer, Taryn Birkmire at 516-798-6688 ext. 129 / Fax: 516-798-6740 / email:
Recco has certain rules of behaviour, which must be observed to ensure a safe and productive workplace. These rules apply to all members of the Recco HealthTeam regardless of position, including – governing body members, President, Executive Director, Controller and all other management and employees. All employees are to conduct themselves in a responsible, professional and ethical manner, at all times.
The following standards are expected to be maintained by all employees, regardless of position, at all times:
1. Assure that all actions and behaviors promote the favorable image of the company, its management and its officers.
2. Avoid potential conflicts of interest and personal gain or any appearance of a conflict or impropriety.
3. Promote the integrity, reputation, administration and operations of all the affairs of the company and avoid any conduct, whether on or off duty, that could cause embarrassment or disrepute of the company.
While this is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, the following are examples of conduct that is unacceptable, and will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge.
1. Disruptive Behavior: Recco considers behavior disruptive when it has the potential harm to clients, such as by delaying treatment or causing or enabling medical errors.
2. Conduct by an individual working in the organization that intimidates others to the extent that quality and safety could be compromised. These behaviors may be verbal or non-verbal, may involve the use of rude language, many be threatening or may involve physical contact.
3. Theft or attempted theft of property belonging to Recco or to any fellow employee.
4. Failure to cooperate fully in a Recco search, inspection or security investigation.
5. Insubordination, including but not limited to, refusal to carry out job assignments, belligerent, defiant, abusive or threatening conduct or speech toward any member of management or fellow employee.
6. Rudeness, inappropriate negative remarks or other offensive conduct in dealing with fellow employees, members of the public or business guests.
7. Violation of HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations.
8. Dishonesty
9. Unauthorized alteration or destruction of Agency records including patients’ charts.
10. Coding or billing which violates Medicaid rules and regulations or other federal rules or regulations.
11. Intentionally or knowingly making false or erroneous entries or omitting pertinent information on any reports, patient charts or other Agency records, including but not limited to, employment applications, claims for benefits, billing or time sheets.
12. Violating company Internet, E-mail and Computer usage policy.
13. Signing in or out for another employee or having another employee sign in or out for you. Habitual failure to sign in or out.
14. Unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using a controlled substance while reporting to duty or while on Recco property (including the parking area).
15. Smoking in any Recco office.
16. Unsatisfactory job performance.
17. Failure to report to work when jury duty is not in session.
18. Excessive lateness or absenteeism, or failure to give sufficient notice to your supervisor (or a satisfactory explanation) when you will be late or absent from work.
19. Violation of Recco’s no-solicitation or non-distribution rules.
20. Removing or defacing notices on Recco bulletin boards or abusing or destroying Recco property.
21. Engaging in horseplay, disorderly conduct, malicious mischief or violation of common sense safety rules.
22. Bringing explosives or weapons onto Recco premises.
23. Refusal to give relevant information or testimony when Recco is conducting any type of investigation or defending itself against any claims, charges or lawsuits.
24. Publicly disparaging Recco or fellow employees.
25. Inappropriate negative remarks concerning Recco or fellow employees.
26. Revealing confidential information about Recco, its business or its policies to others.
27. Gambling on Recco property.
28. Careless waste of materials or abuse of Recco equipment.
29. Deliberate destruction of, or damage to, Recco property.
30. Violation of Recco’s safety and good housekeeping rules.
31. Violation of any other rule or regulation promulgated by Recco from time to time an any behaviour detrimental to the operation of the Agency.
Obviously, not every type of misconduct can be listed. Recco reserves the right to impose discipline. Report unethical or dishonest behavior to your immediate supervisor. Reported activities will be investigated by appropriate Recco management team members. In the event that an employee demonstrates inappropriate, disruptive behaviour; it will be brought to the attention of the management team, for appropriate action, up to an including immediate discharge.